In attendance: Laura, Dayna, Abanti, Al, Alexia, Jeff, Jen, Kerri, Lauren, Mary, Sandy, Sheila, Abanti, Anne-Marie, Kim, George, Sarah
Action Items:
Coordinate a research assistant to come to team meetings– Site Leads/Dayna/Laura
Remind staff to complete implementation readiness survey– Site Leads from Phase 2 Implementation
Work on CoP – Laura/Dayna
Research Update
A CAMH research assistant will attend the different sites’ team meetings for 5-10 minutes to answer questions about research directly
We want to work to hone in on learning what your schedule for team meetings is for each site
Sheila (Durham) and Kim (Waterloo-Wellington) use MS teams, they can send an email invite to the research assistant
Anne-Marie (Sudbury) mentioned they use ZOOM and are transitioning to MS teams
Family member recruitment is done through research assistants, we ask clients who are participating in research if we have consent to reach out to their family member and a CAMH research assistant reaches out to them directly
Community of Practice
Collaborative space is becoming more important to get running since ECHO is ending
We had some challenges with usability putting the forum on the website, so we are now looking at going back to EENet connect
Jeff, Dayna, Laura and Andrea are meeting again about it next week, and we recognize the timeliness of it
Additionally, we will be scheduling monthly calls with Slaight clinicians for each role when the post-training calls end, we did a call for this with SEE clinicians who had a good discussion
Documenting Asking about Research
Like our YAC said, we want to leave the door open and ask clients about research again if they initially say no, want to brainstorm on how to document who has been asked
Want it to be internal as to not share with research staff
Also would like to know why people say no, some staff may feel uncomfortable talking about it, sometimes staff want more information
Involvement of peer workers is a possibility, and it’s another opportunity to hear what would be helpful, and to offer coaching, information, etc.
Web-based research assessments are going well, we have individuals on call for safety assessments
Right now it’s hard to know if clients are re-approaching or asking new people
Managers need to talk to staff to find out
Don’t want to add too much to the referral link, new vs re-approach would be an easy checkbox, however if a system is already being used by sites, we can use that
Can add it and make the reason section voluntary, as we don’t want to add extra burden
Why do we want to know if someone says no? It indicates someone was asked but not interested for a certain reason
Better to be consistent and document it somewhere, otherwise it gets buried in Meditech
No client recruitment is done at Slaight, part of the grant was to try doing NAVIGATE in local clinics
At Slaight we have research staff at all consults, all staff ask if they want to meet with a research assistant, and research staff documents it
Staffing changes have occurred, so far the team is comprised of Mary, Sandy and Janet. Heather McKee has joined, and will be an integral part of work
Mary’s role changed, she will be assistant manager for evaluation
Sandy will be leading fidelity work
Mary has completed a draft of Durham’s report, and will get it to Sheila by Friday/Tuesday
It’s helpful for site leads to look through the report, ask questions, then have a discussion with their larger team
Fidelity for new sites – new process because it’s all virtual, will start setting up interviews
Challenges with chart review process, done on site in the past, fine tuning process to do it virtually
Is it possible for staff to do chart extraction? We would need to fine tune it
Kim mentioned sharing your screen may be an option? You can do it with MS teams, but need to double check on privacy concerns
So far there has been a low response on readiness surveys, training has evolved
Want to re-send survey to phase 2 implementers, won’t get it again if you’ve completed it
Will notify site leads to remind their team to complete it!
Dayna is a project manager for this project