Wednesday, March 4th, 2019
In attendance: Alexia, Jeff, Sandy, Lauren, Laura, Mary, Janet, Al, Sarah, George, Heather
Action Items:
- Organize a call between Durham and North Bay clinicians to discuss approaching patients for research– PSSP
- Ask Dr. Voineskos if it’s okay for Waterloo-Wellington to have two laptops– Laura
Niagara Site Update
- Niagara is going through a big transition as Krista left her position
- They are understaffed, as they should have 6 staff but currently only have 3 staff
- Sandy had a call with Lisa Panetta (Kerri’s manager) to fill her in on what has been happening in EPI-SET
- Kerri is acting manager in the interim and maybe long term
- Kerri and Lisa have been updated on what is happening in EPI-SET
Patient Measures Recruitment
- Patients from Durham and Niagara aren’t being approached, as the research analysts haven’t had any Yes/No referrals from them on REDCap
- Durham wants to know how others approach patients for research
- Slaight has a research analyst sit outside clinicians’ doors before approaching them for research
- Niagara has received the laptop for patient measures, however with Kerri coming into the director role, logistics need to be discussed again
- Niagara is still trying to sort out the space issue, and when clients can come in for research visits
- Lisa wants to be in the loop on EPI-SET, Kerri is taking on the formal director role
- PSSP will connect Durham with North Bay clinicians to discuss how they approach patients for research
- In one month we may have a call with all sites to discuss this
- Kim from Waterloo-Wellington mentioned that they have two main clinic sites in Kitchener and Guelph, so they would like to have two laptops
- Dielle will conduct a research site visit with Waterloo-Wellington in April
- Niagara needs to hire new clinicians, and we need to onboard them, providing them training, e-learning, etc.
- Sarah Bromley needs to be notified so that staff can be set up with e-learning
- Please CC research analysts on staffing updates so we can update our contact information logs
- The information about the new clinician at Durham needs to be re-sent to Sarah
- We should still recruit individuals for research even if there are staffing changes and turnover
- We can show how turnover affects the model of care, and how much success the model has with turnover
- The only reason we should stop recruitment is if they close doors or aren’t accepting new patients
Fidelity Model
- We need to decide what is ideal for the practice profile
- We need to be clear if clients are offered a role and they decline it