Michael, Jeff, Lauren, Sandy, Nitha, Anne-Marie, Carol, Kerri, Sarah
Site Updates – Site Leads
Kerri, Niagara:
Interviewing for an OT this week
Getting 2-3 referrals per week of which half are inappropriate.
Carol, Thunder Bay:
Completed family education series: it was very positive having two FAC members attend sessions.
Anne-Marie, Sudbury:
One clinician is returning from re-deployment next week. However, he is looking for work elsewhere.
Their 0.2 FTE clinician is also leaving, and this 0.2 FTE will not be replaced. This creates a significant gap in their program.
Staff stability is one of the largest concerns for her program.
Don’t have a SEE role. She thinks SEE doesn’t lend itself well to a small team.
Jolene will be replacing Anne-Marie, will try to start attending this committee ahead of transition.
Nurse Practitioners in EPI – Kerri
Kerri: Receiving pushback from Ontario Health on her psychiatry service request. They have asked her to look in to if they can use an NP. Has been borrowing resources from other services.
Carol: Highly recommends NPs if you need access to psychiatric care in your program.
Anne-Marie: Has a nurse practitioner in another program and finds NPs a fantastic resource. Highly recommends.
Sarah: Slaight helped support NP in Thunder Bay (e.g., provided prescriber algorithm). May be relevant for future scale-up opportunities.
Everyone: Shared care or consultation model may be beneficial for scale up. Need to think creatively about how to support standardized care across the province.
Orientation package discussion – Michael (tabled till next meeting)
IPC meeting plans – Michael (tabled till next meeting)