In Attendance: Shelia, Kelsey, Jasmyn, Jeff, Alexia, Chelsi, Sarah, Krista, Sandy, George, Kim, Meredith
Regrets: Dayna, Josette
Action Items:
Develop post-training survey to REDCAP – Jasmyn
Send Jasmyn post-training survey – Alexia
Connect with Jeff regarding the on-boarding implementation phase –Chelsi
Add to Steering Committee Agenda – Chelsi
Suicide training for assessments – ASSIST
SEE post training calls
Timeframe of consent and baseline assessments
Connect with PSSP regarding next steps and Alan Cudmore – Chelsi
Site Updates/Follow up items from Project Team Call
SEE Post-Training Calls
Durham’s SEE Clinician is leaving soon and they are hiring a new staff (though this staff may not be in the SEE Role – may have to have external community services fill the SEE role)
Niagara – SEE worker is leaving in July, though their OT will be returning in October that will be in the SEE role.
The SEE post-training will continue as usual, and will add this item to the Steering Committee agenda for next week
Survey Regarding Post-Training Calls
Jasmyn to add survey into REDCAP to make it consistent
We should wait until we send it out due to the fact that some NAVIGATE roles only have had 2 calls.
To send attendance to PSSP and the Site Leads so they may be able to monitor their staff.
On-Boarding the New Sites
Created different phases of the project
Please see attached document with a brief summary of the phases
PSSP working on the implementation section
Youth/Family Advisory Committee
The members have had to finished EPI services or soon to be discharged
They will provide input on understanding things from a formal perspective and address needs from the population/how can it be sustained. Not giving input on the actual NAVIGATE framework
Working with Education Services to disseminate the NAVIGATE training
Still a work in progress, there may be another in-person training for new sites and those who need to be assessed
Education services are already working on simulations for IRT module 2 as wall as E-Learning for the family modules
Effect on the implication outcomes if they are training in different ways
Implementation perspective
Looking into the fidelity piece for the non-research sites.
What is generally helpful to the sites in regards to implementation so we can add to the on-boarding process – need to get the site’s perspectives
Durham Site Visit – Patient Measures and Outcomes – Logistics Planning – June 3rd, 2019
Clinic Space and Booking
There is a shared room available for patient assessments. It isn’t used that much, and will have all of the technology we need.
We need to book the room about a week in advance
We can contact the secretary (Carol Perry) in order to book the space
We can book clients around their clinic appointments.
Carol can book the room for after their consult (initial consult is typically with IRT clinician and physician)
At the consult, the clinician will do the verbal referral to research, and fill in the survey. If the client is interested, they can then meet with us right away, and a clinician will walk them over to the room/set them up. This way would be easiest for the clinical team.
Clients are seen weekly/biweekly/monthly (it varies). Some clients are only here to see a psychiatrist (not receiving NAVIGATE) – we wouldn’t recruit them
Clients can also come in not around their clinic appointments, as long as we book the room in advance. A clinician or secretary will set them up in the room.
Client appointments are booked about a week in advance, and clients are typically given their next appointment information at the end of their appointment
Clients’ first consults are typically about an hour long, with the psychiatrist and an IRT clinician. They won’t typically have an appointment unless they are accepted into the service.
Sarde pre-screens them after referral and gets collateral information to determine this.
After referral, the goal is to see them within a week
Research Logistics
The clinic is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm – this is when we could book our appointments
Dr. Betlen has a clinic Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 2pm-5pm
Dr. Massabki has a clinic Thursday from 9am-12pm
The baseline appointment should probably be split into hour-long appointments
Most will probably respond best to texting, as the younger clients tend not to answer the phone
Sheila doesn’t mind us doing assessments with clients remotely (at their homes)
Will they be able to do it on their phones, or does it have to be on a laptop/tablet?
Most clients have family drive them to the clinic or take public transportation, Sheila doesn’t see clients getting to the clinic as a major barrier
Communication and Safety
They have a safety protocol that they follow in clinic
If a client endorses risk to self/others, they will have a psychiatrist form them, and take them to the hospital (or have a family member take them, if willing). If there is an imminent risk or no psychiatrist, they call 911. They don’t have security at the clinic so they would call police/911 if necessary.
If we have a safety risk during an assessment, we should call the EPI cell phone, and if nobody picks up, the work extension of a clinician and have them come follow up and follow their safety protocol. If for some reason we can’t get a hold of anyone, we would call 911
Is it ok that it’s a clinician (not physician) on their end? For liability, do we also need a physician like we do here?
Outside of clinic, we should follow our proposed plan
Get addresses so we can call 911 if necessary, have a clinician on-call on our end
Follow up with Durham clinical team via email with details
In terms of communication more generally, we should try as much as possible to keep in touch (in both directions) about no-shows to appointments
They would like a weekly update on clients in research, and are interested in receiving assessment data for their clients for those who consent
Security cable for the laptop is required
They have everything else they need to set up the room
They receive on average 4 new referrals per week
Most of the referrals are accepted, some are referred elsewhere
They anticipate it being slower in July/August
Concern about research at first visit to clinician: there is paranoia, the clinicians brought up that they might prefer to bring up at a subsequent visit, because they are building relationships with the clients
If they bring up at first visit, they think there might be low uptake
For people who initially say now, are we re-approaching? For how long/how many visits? How many is realistic for clinicians to keep track of? For how long is it still considered a baseline visit?
What can go on the fliers? E.g. can clinicians bring up that there is compensation?
Sheila is gone June 9-24