In Attendance: Josette, Janet, Dayna, Sandy, Jeff, Kelsey, Mary, Krista, George, Sarah, Hiwot (minutes)
Action Items
Send the recruitment info page out to Sandy/colleague to distribute – Josette
Follow up regarding physician attendance at calls/ECHO sessions – Implementation Committee
Follow up on project resource repository – Implementation Committee
Steering Committee/General Updates
Steering committee talked about ECHO and stage of preparation of ECHO work.
ECHO will develop tool to evaluate competency of staff. Will implement in July.
Is this a good data source for measuring quality of NAVIGATE delivery?
The interviews with prescribers may count towards credit.
Chelsi wanted the group to speak about family member recruitment for the advisory committee.
We need more representation. Durham has none at this time.
Recruit families into the advisory committees? Josette and Krista will try to recruit more; Josette will send the family recruitment info page out to Sandy and Krista.
The study initially decided to align with the EPION assessment approach but a decision was later made to align with assessment approach being used in US study (tele fidelity model).
Identifying differences and rating refinements has been a lengthy process.
We have refined the process for next assessments but need to rerate some items for North Bay and Niagara. Additional information may be requested over email.
This change has delayed report back to the sites, with apologies. Likely require another month to rerate and finalize.
We expect to see slightly lower ratings for some items as a result of the changes compared with the EPION ratings.
Prescriber calls
Participation is difficult for prescribers, as it uses some of the limited time that psychiatrists have with programs. Education credits are not an incentive at Niagara. Calls take time away from client care and use up program sessional funds.
Assigning a nurse to the prescriber call may be valuable for bringing information to the team but the nurse is not sufficient as a replacement for the physicians’ attendance.
Suggested that a date/time change would not make difference.
NB: Dr. Primeau has been on two calls so far. She hasn’t been involved in the biweekly EPI rounds and is not up to date with what’s happening. She doesn’t have time for the biweekly meetings. Dr. Primeau asked for more hours but they have not approved it, she wants to be more available.
George explained that CAMH has a fee that is paid to physicians for non-billable activities.
Prescriber calls will be bi monthly but the ECHO calls will kick in. Jeff raised idea of reducing the call time to 30 minutes. Most are open to this and it will be explored as Dr. Warsi and Dr. Primeau may be able to do this. If we can’t shorten the meeting, whoever needs to leave early can do so. Some presence is better than none.
George confirmed there is no money available in the research budget to help pay for the physician in these calls.
Project Resources:
Sarah suggested a central repository to store everything that is being created and organized.
How do we create it? Where to hold it? This will be discussed in two weeks.
Is this already available on the website portal?
One concern of having it broadly available may deter clinicians from completing modules.
Jeff has a SharePoint folder for PSSP. The online portal can be modified as needed.