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Implementation Committee: July 8, 2020

In attendance: Dayna, Alan, Alexia, Janet, Charlotte, Jeff, Sandy, Kerri, Lauren, Kim, Josette, Jen, Sheila, Sarah, Brannon.

Action Items:

- With introduction of the revised manual, all site members should feel free to bring concerns regarding revisions to the PSSP team as they arise. – All Staff

- Create Doodle poll for when to host new echo meetings starting in September – Dayna

- In the coming weeks, site leads and site workers should consider steps and challenges to collect data on the core components outlined in the meeting that will be used to evaluate degree of NAVIGATE implementation. – Regional Site Leads.



- New revised NAVIGATE manual has been completed.

- Changes made are small and mostly related to shuffling the order of modules presented in order for it to read more smoothly. Very limited changes with regard to actual content of modules.

- So far, a lot of positive feedback on the changes, but feel free to voice concerns when they arise


- Make sure to hear from individuals regarding when echo meetings can happen

- Kim and Kerri when can we schedule these?

Kim Waterloo/Wellington

- Wednesdays work well for our team

Kerri Niagara

- Definitely can not do Wednesdays and every other Thursday don’t work for Niagara.


- I will make a Doodle poll to figure out what day works best for sites going forward.


Documentation Discussion

- Heard from Susan Gingerich from NAVIGATE TEAM. She has expressed praise for clinician’s hard work and dedication in delivering/ beginning to deliver NAVIGATE.

- Core components, difficulty deciding upon good measurements for determining if NAVIGATE is delivered effectively.

- In order to address this, the team has developed core components to measure to evaluate delivery of NAVIGATE.

- Decided upon Seven core components necessary to determine if teams/ clinicians are effectively delivering NAVIGATE

o 1 Caseload size

o 2 Individual resilience training (IRT)

o 3 Supported employment and education (SEE)

o 4 Family Education Program

o 5 Personalized medication management

o 6 Team leadership (director role)

o 7 Training and practice feedack

- Focus of measuring the core components will not be about specifics of how components are delivered or administered, instead it will be more related to whether they are successfully delivered and whether service user’s are adequately getting each component at each site.


- We are currently trying to determine who is in sample, but the main goal is to attempt to measure how NAVIGATE is delivered once it is up and running smoothly and clinicians are comfortable delivering this model of care.

- Once this has been achieved, evaluation will take place to determine NAVIGATE delivery fidelity.


- How are we going to collect data on implementation of core components when clinician’s ability to provide care is greatly limited due to pandemic and they aren’t able to fulfill the core components of NAVIGATE?


- Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we will try our best to implement everything and collect the appropriate measures acknowledging that these are not ideal circumstances. If we see we or are not able implement all components of NAVIGATE, we will take care to interpret our findings in the current context considering the challenges.


- Do those working in the various sites think getting information on the seven core components discussed above is feasible?

Sheila/ Durham

- Getting all this information is likely to be difficult

- Most of our information is collected via manual count by secretary, doing this for all referrals would be quite onerous to do. Especially for the past year.

- We hope to update our data collection system so that we are able to more easily do this in the future.

North Bay/ Josette

- Doing this will be time consuming but feasible

Kerri/ Niagara

- I agree, will be time consuming but certainly possible especially if it is only a one time thing.

Kim/ Waterloo

- I think this is doable for our site as well.

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