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Implementation Committee: July 13, 2022

Attendees: Lauren, Michael, Carol, Jeff, Josette, Jolene, Shelly, Rakshi, Sandy


  • Onboarding Tracking Form

  • Communication Chart

  • ECHO recordings & website updates

  • Participant scores from Research Analysts

ECHO recordings & website updates

  • Jeff is editing the ECHO recordings: 11 currently edited

  • These will be posted on as a resource for current and new clinicians.

  • Currently reviewing the edited recordings for accuracy.

Participant scores from Research Analysts (RAs)

  • Some participants have asked RAs to see their scores from research measures, e.g., SCID, Brief PRS and QLS. The scores are only shared with participants when requested.

  • RA’s thought they were not most suited to provide these scores to clients because they are not clinicians. They raised this question with George who suggested that the clinicians review the scores with their clients instead.

  • Site leads thought that clinicians may not have sufficient knowledge of the instruments to be review the results with the clients and wondered whether the clinic psychiatrist may be the more appropriate person to do so.

  • Rakshi will provide a demo of the reports to the site leads at an upcoming Implementation Planning Committee meeting. Due to vacation schedules it was determined that would occur after mid-Aug, e.g., Aug 24 or Sep 14.

  • Bring this issue back to Steering Committee for further discussion with PIs.

Onboarding tracking form

  • Michael shared updated onboarding tracking form with the group

  • Intended for PSSP and the individual sites to track and share information regarding onboarding of new staff, as well as for site leads to use to monitor and support their staff’s progress through the onboarding process.

  • Columns can be added if/when new training materials are launched.

  • Aim is to pilot this form as new staff are hired or new training resources are introduced.

  • Michael will send a blank copy to the site leads – one for each site (see attached)

  • Query about how frequently the tracking sheet will be shared back and forth between PSSP and site lead, i.e., once a month? Will bring this question back to next IPC meeting.

Communication Chart

  • Michael recently shared an updated Communication Chart with site leads. The new chart takes into account Dielle’s departure.

  • Michael reviewed the current communication pathways during the meeting.


  • Evaluation updates (Sandy)

    • Sandy is hoping to share back current Fidelity Assessments in September

    • NAVIGATE delivery data is starting to be analysed and hoping to share reports in Sept/October.

    • Aiming to do Thunder Bay on-site data extraction in September. Sandy asked Carol to let her know about any privacy/confidentiality processes that need to be completed.

  • Carol

    • Provided an update about their Community Outreach Program and also relayed that they continue to work on NAVIGATE onboarding procedures.

  • Josette

    • Looking at providing more education to the community.


  • Michael will send blank copy of the Onboarding Tracking Form to the Site Leads

  • Rakshi to demo patient score reports at upcoming IPC meeting, likely either Aug 24 or Sep 14

  • Rakshi to raise question again about who should review patient scores at upcoming Steering Committee

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