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Implementation Committee: January 6, 2021

Attendance: Rameiya, Dayna, George, Sarah, Sandy, Jeff, Lauren

Action Items:

1. George to follow up with Sanjeev re: clinic funding for physician participation in ECHO - George

2. Determine when the next flex ECHO session is to discuss research recruitment– Rameiya

3. ECHO update – Rameiya


• Project team call (Collaborative discussion – Dayna)

o Anything that stood out that needs to be addressed/discussed?

o Physician engagement

- Need to look into a regular engagement forum such as site physician attending the ECHO session where their case is being presented

- George will reach out to Sanjeev re: funding for physician participation in ECHO

• Readiness Survey (Information sharing – Janet)

o There is a delay in administering the site readiness surveys– Dielle and Janet are working together to address this

• Recruitment strategies/implementation at Durham (Collaborative discussion )

o There are many challenges to improve engagement between clinical staff and patients

o A few suggestions to improve engagement:

- Handout/pamphlet to give clients that describe what the research is about – there is a hard copy and e-copy available at each site

- Include peer support worker or members of the YAC (credible messengers) to introduce messages regarding research

- Sarah mentioned there is a document which may help dispel myths about research

- Research posters at sites – visual and non-invasive and provides a reminder to clients and clinicians

- An a ECHO presentation addressing research recruitment strategies

- Possible research and clinician collaboration when introducing research to patient

• Any other updates (Collaborative discussion – All)

o Implementation Updates

- Leadership change in Durham (Sheila has been promoted) – will develop a plan and move forward with that later

- Navigate implementation tracking is on is way – Sandy has sent it to Royce and will send it to all 6 sites afterwards

o Focus for next week with site leads?

- Talk to clinicians to figure out where the issues are

- Work with site leads to set a tangible target

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