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Implementation Committee: February 9, 2022

Attendance: Nitha, Rakshi, Emily Dielle, Michael, Carol, Josette, Kim, Lauren, Sandy, Sheeba, Jeff

Action Items:

  • Sandy and Michael to send out list of IPS workers and Youth Hub sites to site leads (

  • Sandy to join site clinic meetings to go through readiness survey consent

  • Michael to get back to ECHO presenters about SEE

Site/Research Updates

  • Durham: staff are doing okay, clients need a lot of attention from staff as some have been are under crisis

  • Thunder Bay: team will go through client files and reapproach clients. Had a small pause in research referrals but will start back up soon

  • Waterloo: Team is repurposing time to fill up the redcap form during the clinic meetings because clinicians don't have time otherwise, team is very overwhelmed. New peer support starting on the 16th

  • Reminder to reapproch clients, especially if sites have paused their intake

  • Round of applause for site leads and clinicians!

  • Outsourced SEE: Does outsourced SEE include education support or only employment support?

o Which sites have SEE internal?

  • Waterloo: SEE is internal

  • Durham: No SEE at all, see worker left position and cannot outsource. All IRT clinicians are integrating SEE. Clinicians want a SEE worker and more IRT workers, but the funding is not there.

  • Thunder Bay: SEE is internal but will work with outside agencies for a parts of employment

  • North Bay: Lost external SEE agency (were primarily doing employment). Clinicians are already doing IRT and FE, can’t add SEE to their workload. Outside agencies help with education and going back to school, also use resources from post-secondary and schools.

  • Niagara: SEE is internal. All staff do IRT, one does both IRT and SEE as well because they have the capacity to split the role

o Kim works with McMaster to take temporary OTs and trains them in the SEE role, covers 6 months of the year

  • OT would oversee “role emerging placement”. Someone will give onsite support. OT can be external to the organization. Last 5 hires from Waterloo have been OTs.

  • External organization needs to have the IPS model that SEE is based on, can’t just be resume services

  • Sandy and Michael to send out list of IPS workers and Youth Hub sites to site leads (

  • From fidelity assessment responses, the education piece is given by the programs because criteria is looser and does not require as much training. Employment piece cannot be delivered by sites because it’s a very specific model. External SEE is usually for employment.

  • Sandy to join site clinic meetings to go through readiness survey consent

  • Waiting for PSSP response on when to go to the sites for the delivery tracker

  • What is the difference between readiness survey and CFIR interview:

    • CFIR: Qualitative interview mainly around implementation of NAVIGATE. Interviews only with 3 clinicians from each team.

    • Readiness survey: Asks about a boarder range of topics, covers everything from institutional culture to clinician feelings about NAVIGATE. It’s a 10-minute survey given to all clinicians.

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