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Implementation Committee: December 11, 2019

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019

In attendance: Lauren, Jeff, Laura, Krista, Sandy, Kim, Jen, Sheila, Josette, Dielle

Action Items:

- Verify the location of research visits for North Bay and provide an update on the status of buying a laptop– Josette

- Provide an update on the status procuring a laptop for Niagara –Krista

- Visit Durham site Monday December 16th 10am-12pm- Dielle

- Share Excel patient tracking document with other site leads- Sheila


Patient Measures

- Sheila requested that someone discuss patient measures with her team, and that there are difficulties with space, laptop setup, etc.

- Dielle provided an update mentioning that the patient measures database is set up, and the referral link has been sent out

- Dielle asked if we will have to reach out to the clinic administrative teams to coordinate appointments, and asked who will help set up the laptop/computer

- Durham has a room and a laptop with a webcam, the secretary or clinician could set up the laptop, the research team can call the program secretary to confirm the appointment times, and the research time can send the administrative team an email reminder the morning of the research visit

- CAMH will send out a one page document about ZOOM and set up, and the research team can make visits to set up the laptop and give an overview of ZOOM

- North Bay mentioned that it is better to directly connect to a clinician regarding appointments, as there is no permanent administrative staff

- Josette will verify location of where research visits will take place

- Josette mentioned it’s probably better to just have CAMH buy the laptop and send it to North Bay, and Dayna agreed

o Josette will connect with her manager by the end of the week and provide an update on whether or not a laptop should be sent

- Niagara mentioned that it is also better to connect directly to a clinician regarding appointments

- Niagara needs a laptop, and space is a challenge for Niagara

- It might make sense to purchase laptop for Niagara

- Krista will find out if she can acquire a laptop or if CAMH needs to acquire one

REDCap Link

- In terms of giving information about research, clinicians are just supposed to fill in the REDCap link, the rest will be explained by CAMH researchers

- PSSP will help sites set up the database

- Managers need to link patients’ MRN to the REDCap database

Durham Site Visit

- Dielle will visit Lakeridge Monday December 16th from 10am-12pm

Niagara Site Visit

- Krista would like to have a site visit from CAMH to be joined with Al/Sandy, and the Sharepoint link should already be set up

Tracking Patients in Research

- Sheila has an Excel sheet tracking patients and NAVIGATE delivery, and mentioned she can add information about research

- She will share it with Josette and Krista

- Krista mentioned that it is good that details are being shared, as there is a big gap from her last meeting with Jasmyn

- We want to ensure that sites are comfortable and ready to go before starting patient measures for research, we do not want to rush them into it

Incorporating a Trauma and LGBTQ+ Lens

- Durham clinicians mentioned they want to better incorporate a trauma informed lens with NAVIGATE materials

- They mentioned there is a lack of trans health considerations in NAVIGATE

- We want to make a lens to share that

- Clinicians can place a trauma informed lens on NAVIGATE material, and it can be kept in mind all the time

- However, we want to track changes that clinicians are making to the NAVIGATE material for research purposes

- We want sites to share content they have around trauma and trans health

- We want to know if NAVIGATE trainers have anything specific on trauma informed care- these are good questions for post-training calls

- Different kinds of trauma experienced may be experienced by clients and they need to be addressed

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