Michael, Jeff, Lauren, Emily, Nitha, Sandy
Adjustments to the Week 1 meeting
Attendance: PSSP and RAs; Sarah as needed
Duration: 30 min
Minutes: PSSP now to take minutes (i.e., decisions and action items)
Purpose: Build communication among RAs and PSSP; share updates
Study table update
Was requested by the FAC; however, other groups have also found it useful.
Readiness survey: On hold due to REB issue.
RAs work
YAC/FAC support, data analysis, proposal writing, etc.
“Pre-booster” (for General ECHO session on May 13, 10:00 – 11:00 am): CAMH Education presenting on Toor project online resources; Dr. Wanda Tempelaar presenting on the online resources compiled by e-NAVIGATE.
The Toor Project is converting the NAVIGATE manuals into the Moodle online platform. IRT manual is almost complete; others will follow.
PSSP implementation team offered to help promote this “pre-booster” session. Thought it would be helpful for sites, given the new format for the manuals and clinician requests for online resources for clients.
e-flyer could be emailed out to all clinicians. Can ask Dielle and Sanjeev for their input.
Need a clear description of the pre-booster: Can ask Stephanie and Fabienne.
Should change the name from “pre-booster.”