Thursday, October 10, 2019
In Attendance: Lillian, Marie, Hugh, Nicole, Laura
Action Items
· Ask how the prescriber role works with regards to the one site (Thunder Bay) with only a nurse practitioner and no psychiatrist- Laura
· Like to see if geographic/location information can be included when looking at the system level data. Want to understand where first episode was recorded and where the follow up services were recorded- Lillian and Laura
· Email clinicians and site leads to motivate FAC recruitment- Laura
· Include the ECHO information in the agenda – Laura
· Come up with ideas for how to track FAC activities and impact- Laura and Lillian
· Share EPION Conference presentation materials with the committee – Laura and Lillian
What happens to patients after Navigate?
- Lillian discussed how currently Early Psychosis Intervention services are only funded for three years. The individual is referred back to care available in their community, ie family doctor, other local services.
- There is a lack of funding in terms of trying to extend the program and offering better supports after care ends (many people are discharged to their family doctor)
- Hopefully this research project can propel advocacy for extending care and improving the transition out of EPI treatment
- Discussed the difficulties with the mental health care system including issues with transferring care
EPION Conference
- Lillian will be doing a 15 minute presentation with the lead of the Youth Advisory Committee (Augustina) on November 19th
- If you would like to contribute, please email Lillian or Laura
- Discussed how this could also be an opportunity to talk to clinicians and site leads and try to recruit more committee members
Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)
- Discussed how engagement in the YAC is good and that a meeting with them is not needed/suggested
Baseline Survey
- Lillian went over the baseline survey, mentioned she liked how it laid out the different phases of the research study
- Reviewed the recommendation section. Some of these points have already been addressed. We have leads of each sub committee schedule to attend FAC and share status of where they are at.
- If you have comments about the report or if you have any concerns/issues you want us to address, please email Lillian or Laura
Running the EPI Program across Ontario
- Concerns about employee turnover brought up
- Discussed how conducting research in a burdened mental health system can be challenging
- Noted that this research project is doing all it can to support more remote sites with less resources, including developing training modules and material to give to new employees at all of the sites
- Hugh asked at what point does the resources in the sites impact their ability to deliver the program and how will that impact the study? Will discuss at next Steering Committee meeting.
Tracking FAC Engagement
- Discussed wanting a way to track the impact the FAC has had on the research study
Next Meeting: November 14th