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Youth Advisory Committee: July 30, 2020


  • If you would like to choose a type of e-gift card for research participants to choose, please look at the gift card repositories listed below and email Andrea with your choice – Augustina and Sara

  • Add Tallan and Victoria’s collaboration with Dr. Nicole Kozloff on e-NAVIGATE to the newsletter – Andrea

  • Coordinate schedule of investigators/guest speakers to attend YAC every few months – Andrea

  • Follow-up on opportunity for YAC members to attend research recruitment meetings with the sites – Andrea


  • Content looks good and is approved

  • Andrea will add a point that Tallan and Victoria are collaborating on the e-NAVIGATE project

e-gift cards

  • Youth participants that enroll in the EPI-SET study are paid for their participation (ranging from $35-110 depending on site and length of visit)

  • Currently, they can choose between a VISA gift card or an Amazon e-gift card

  • E-gift cards are a great choice because they are received immediately, but Amazon has not been a popular choice

  • During this meeting, we decided that each YAC member would choose one e-gift card that is available through online gift card repositories ( AND

  • So far, YAC members chose:

    • o Indigo

    • o Uber

    • o Gas/groceries

Terms of Reference

  • Last meeting, we reviewed the Terms of Reference and made some changes

  • The Terms of Reference is always available on our Google Doc, here.

  • It is a living document that we can continue to update


Investigators/Guest Speakers: we enjoy when investigators/guests attend a YAC meeting

  • We want to have more scheduled, but ensure there is a balance with our normal meetings so we have space for these discussions

  • Andrea will be coordinating a schedule so that they attend every few months

  • We would love to have Dr. Nicole Kozloff attend a meeting, and present on new developments in the field of psychosis research and also provide an updated definition of psychosis

Updating NAVIGATE Manual (language, terminology, etc)

  • We are interested in reviewing the manual to make it more updated and youth-friendly

  • Andrea brought this idea to Dr. Voineskos who said that YAC input would be greatly appreciated on this

  • o It would be a huge project to revamp the whole manual, it may be more likely to look at a certain section, and when the NAVIGATE manual is adapted virtually we could also have input at that time


Attending Site Meetings

  • There are 5 sites on the EPI-SET project whose clinicians present the research opportunity to their clients

  • The EPI-SET team is starting to meet with sites for 10 minutes to see how this process is going, if they have any feedback/challenges

  • It may be beneficial for YAC members to attend some meetings to provide your perspective directly to the clinicians

  • During this meeting, YAC members expressed interest in the opportunity to attend site meetings

  • Andrea will follow-up with meeting dates and times


  • Augustina is coordinating a presentation at a future meeting which will discuss differences between research projects and quality improvement projects, how we can contribute to each type


  • Andrea is sending out the anonymous feedback survey after this meeting

  • We have decided to complete these surveys every 3 months

  • So this survey will encompass feedback about your experience on YAC from May to present

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