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Youth Advisory Committee - January 20, 2022

Updated: Sep 1, 2022


· Add feedback on the Google doc to highlight YAC in the newsletter – Youth Advisors

o Please track your hours for this and send them to Andrea

· Complete the Monthly Survey that is sent out after this meeting – Youth Advisors

· Review message for EPION newsletter and add any feedback – Youth Advisors

· Clarify when the EPION newsletter gets sent out - Andrea

· Access the EPI-SET website any time and let Andrea know if you have ideas to improve the YAC page/add any content– All Youth Advisors

· Join the Slack group for the next Project Team meeting on February 5th - All Advisors

· Clarify next steps of the YAC/FAC Engagement report - Andrea


Welcome and Icebreaker

· We discussed how everyone’s holidays were:

o Coulson picked up many shifts and attended Christmas parties; it was nice to see family

o Sara had a relaxing time in Barbados, it’s something her and her family like to do yearly

o Andrea enjoyed time with family in Hamilton, going to Colombia next month

o Augustina relaxed with family and is going to Mexico next week

o Karleigh spent lots of time relaxing with family

YAC Highlights for Newsletter

· Andrea and Laura (another research analyst on EPI-SET) are going to be sending out a newsletter on a quarterly basis to highlight the contributions of YAC and FAC.

· The newsletter will be sent to the Project Team (all sites/members) and posted on the website.

· YAC can directly help with the design and content of the newsletter.

· Andrea has created a Google doc and added some past YAC contributions as a starting point.

· Please give your feedback as comments on the google doc, keep track changes on

· Here are some example newsletters we can use as a resource


· Andrea will be visiting the Niagara site this Friday, and Laura is visiting Sudbury and North Bay tomorrow. They will both be discussing the importance of YAC and recruiting new members.

· For future reference, ethics approval is required for advisory committee recruitment posters

· Karleigh is working on referring some youth from Toronto and will update when possible

· We are currently drafting a message to send out through the EPION mailing list.

o To clarify the process: Sarah Bromley is a Co-Investigator on EPI-SET and Co-Chair on EPION. When our message is ready, Andrea will send it to Sarah and she will get it on the mailing list for us.

o Augustina and Karleigh have seen the draft and think it looks good.

o Sara and Coulson to review next and add their feedback.

o Andrea needs to clarify exactly when the EPION message gets sent out

· FYI: Dielle will be on a leave for 2 months and Sarah Bromley taking over EPI-SET manager duties in the meantime

EPI-SET Website – YAC Page Updated

· Andrea designs and updates the website, presented the YAC page for feedback

· Feedback: YAC members like the design and how streamlined the page is

However, some parts of the page get cut off on certain screens and needs to be fixed

· Let Andrea know if you think anything else should be added to our webpage

EPI-SET Team Members Visiting YAC Meetings

· Andrea is reaching out to Project Team members/Investigators to see when they can visit YAC.

· Last month, Divya and Simone joined us to talk about Engagement in research.

· YAC members feel that it is important for Project Team members to attend because then they can speak to different elements of the project and we can ask questions/give our feedback.

· We also think it is a good opportunity to ask meaningful questions, since it is challenging to do so at the Project Team meeting, which moves very quickly

Project Team Meetings

· Augustina mentioned to Divya and Simone that often times the YAC cannot meaningfully engage during meetings when we don’t understand the topics being discussed

· Karleigh suggested having a chat group during Project Team meetings so YAC members can ask each other questions and help each other follow the conversations

o It could also be used to keep a record of questions for after the fact.

· Coulson recommended adding more explanation in the Project Team agenda about what will be discussed.

· Divya and Simone will be releasing report of recommendations based on YAC survey feedback

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