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Service Measures and Outcomes Working Group - December 13 2019

In attendance: Janet, Sandy, Mary, Avra, Don, Gord, Melanie, Andrea


· Developing a Practice Profile, in part, to guide measurement metrics – PSSP team

· Janet to attend Family Advisory Committee in February and Youth Advisory Committee in March to gain feedback on their involvement in outcome measures - Janet


In-Person Training

· In-Person Training was conducted by American NAVIGATE trainers last month for new sites (Thunder Bay, Sudbury and Wellington-Waterloo).

· North Bay staff also attended the training because they have more than one role (i.e. each staff does both the Family and IRT role).

· This year’s training included preliminary materials provided by CAMH and PSSP for trainees to review ahead of time

· Feedback about the training was assessed by a training evaluation survey

· In-person feedback from site leads at the Annual Team meeting indicated that the training was well-received by staff

· Training has been recorded as a back-up for future and this has been posted to the EPI-SET website (

Post-Training Calls

· Moving forward, the trainers are continuing to do post-training calls. The frequency of calls depends on the role; average is bi-weekly or monthly.

· A post-training call survey was sent out last month about structure, time and frequency of the calls. It also showed good feedback about the calls.

· An ongoing QI Initiative of this project is improving how the model is delivered to staff.

ECHO Calls

· New sites have been invited to the ECHO calls

· ECHOs occur in 8 session cycles and are currently on the 5th session.

· ECHOs are meant to build capacity for sustainability, not as an alternative to learning NAVIGATE.


· In order to know if we should expect an increase in overall Fidelity to the model, we need to know: how well NAVIGATE is being implemented and how many clients are being exposed to NAVIGATE.

· Janet shared a NAVIGATE Implementation Measurement document which outlines the planned measurements for each assessment domain

· All sites that are part of the Implementation research (5 sites total, 2 recent sites) will have three Fidelity assessments planned for thorughout duration of project.

· Currently waiting on final contracts from the two new sites before rolling out the Fidelity assessments.

· We are going to start scheduling orientation sessions with the new sites so Fidelity assessments will start in the near year.

· We have not yet solidified an assessment plan for sites that are not part of the research (like Thunder Bay).


· Sites do not support the addition of an ACCESS database, and instead we are working on a REDCap template.

· Sites expressed interest in support for documenting NAV delivery and some sites are already experimenting with Excel to do so, so we anticipate they will like REDCap.

· Data will go into the centralized REDCap database and reports will be generated and sent to sites to help them with clinical care delivery.

· Longer-term goal is for sites to integrate the REDCap database into their own EMR.

· We will have to teach sites how to pull up the reports

Benefits of the REDCap database

· REDCap is easier to develop and maintain than ACCESS.

· We can view metrics on quality of delivery; hopefully this will help us to define what our core measures are regarding adherence and penetration of NAV modules.

· The REDCap database is a good standard of practice from an implementation perspective because the service delivery information and viewing client progress is beneficial for QI.

· Using REDCap now will help sites pilot which data fields are most relevant to guide long-term implementation into their EMRs – or to adopt REDCap clinical (free access)

· Reports are easy to access. The initial proposal said that CAMH would provide the reports, but most reports are developed to be automated. CAMH may provide reports based on additional data analysis.

Staff Competence Indicators

· We are sending out self-assessed competence (RDT) surveys several times throughout the study.

· Staff also complete a survey after each ECHO call to assess their learning.

· Sandy, Mary and Janet are in the process of developing a Practice Profile based on core components of the NAVIGATE manuals, in collaboration with clinicians and trainers.

o This will help determine what providers will record and metrics for NAV delivery.

Current Challenges:

· It is possible that staff are burned out from providing feedback as there is a lot of demand on the sites. For example, there was a low response rate to the recent ECHO survey.

· What will adapting this for the non-research sites look like?

· It is taking more time than expected and likely exceeding the resource proposal.


· There is an expectation that YAC and FAC members are involved in every phase of the work in meaningful way.

· Janet, Mary and Sandy would like ideas on how YAC and FAC can be involved in the Implementation Outcome Measures, in regards to Fidelity Measurement and Implementation Tracking.

· Meaningful inclusion means asking the YAC and FAC how they would like to be involved.

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