From Chelsi:
For those of you who could not be in attendance at this Steering Committee Meeting, I am leaving my position as Research Coordinator for the EPI-SET project. I have accepted a Research Coordinator position at Sunnybrook Hospital, examining Type 2 diabetes and the Brain.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with such a diverse team as it has advanced my professional growth in multiple areas, including implementation, evaluation, family/patient advocacy, training, and research. Thank you for providing me with a safe space to explore new ideas and develop professional relationships with all stakeholders.
My last day will be August 9th and I would like to prepare as much as I can to ease this transition! Please feel free to email me with anything you would like help with before I move on. Thank you once again, and I look forward to hearing about the wonderful work this project will accomplish!!
In attendance: Chelsi, Nikki, Lillian, Dielle, Sanjeev, Sarah, Catherine, Paul, Alexia
Action Items
Reminder: there is no project team call next week
Send edited version of protocol paper to SC – Nikki
Look into getting an ECHO RA for the moderator role – Sanjeev
Include the core competencies within the training orientation – Sarah
Build pre-EHCO survey
Prepare all documents for first ECHO session
Team Slaight staff ZOOM, to take over the IT role
To follow up with Waterloo-Wellington about September 21st meeting (include Dielle and Sarah)
Send Sanjeev the orientation phases
Protocol Paper:
Nikki had sent around the protocol paper for review, though unfortunately some did not receive it
Nikki will make the changes she did receive and then send it back to the SC so everyone can work on the most current copy
Sites will need to send in signed photo consent forms, bios, and sign up for more than one case presentation spot.
Pre-survey and monthly surveys to be built in REDCAP and then sent out.
CME newsletters have been recreated
Chelsi to prepare all documents for the first ECHO session
Maurey to be the moderator for the first ECHO session
Chelsi to teach Slaight staff ZOOM to act as the IT staff
Chelsi, Dayna, Sarah, and Dielle had a call with them this morning
Providing overview documentation
Dayna/PSSP to connect with them over implementation/fidelity
Informed them about needing youth/family members for the advisory committees
REB and contracts are approved by the same team
Readiness Survey
To follow up with Mary and Janet regarding the readiness survey
All research sites should complete the readiness survey
As for those sites who will not be a part of research, it would still be good for them to do the readiness survey – though it would not be a requirement per se. The readiness survey would act as a modifier for the variability of outcomes. The actual survey should not take long.
If they did complete it, it would be helpful for: Fidelity; As a baseline for the site; The implementation process – it would be sent out before implementation work really commenced to tailor the implementation to their specific site needs
Moving forward, it would be good if the SC members figured out what key components will non-research sites will need for the implementation of NAVIGATE
Would like to have someone from the research staff, PSSP staff (Al), Sarah, George, and a youth/family representative to meet with them September 21st
Purpose to provide a quick overview of the project and Navigate – the entirely of their staff will be there
Pre-Training Orientation
This would be for new staff who will be taking on a NAVIGATE role
All orientation ‘checklists’ should follow the same format and have: A timeline of when to complete; A purpose/what key components they should be looking at when read material
First, all staff should get an overview:
What you need to know about EPI-SET and the NAVIGATE Model
Team Guide
Videos: Jan Kane’s Overview of NAVIGATE and ‘Sometimes I’m schizoaffective; all of the time I’m human’
Introduction slide decks
Second, all staff should be oriented to their NAV role
Manuals – as a reference (module 1 can be included as well for IRT)
Any role orientation – first 35 pages of manual
Specific videos on the model delivery
Third, all staff should be attended calls:
ECHO Calls
Post-training calls with NAV trainers
Fourth, library resources for those who are interested (supplementary)
EPI-SET website
Any additional NAV role resources (tips and tricks sheets, toolkits, articles, etc.)