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Steering Committee: July 31, 2019

From Chelsi:

For those of you who could not be in attendance at this Steering Committee Meeting, I am leaving my position as Research Coordinator for the EPI-SET project. I have accepted a Research Coordinator position at Sunnybrook Hospital, examining Type 2 diabetes and the Brain.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with such a diverse team as it has advanced my professional growth in multiple areas, including implementation, evaluation, family/patient advocacy, training, and research. Thank you for providing me with a safe space to explore new ideas and develop professional relationships with all stakeholders.

My last day will be August 9th and I would like to prepare as much as I can to ease this transition! Please feel free to email me with anything you would like help with before I move on. Thank you once again, and I look forward to hearing about the wonderful work this project will accomplish!!


In attendance: Chelsi, Nikki, Lillian, Dielle, Sanjeev, Sarah, Catherine, Paul, Alexia

Action Items

  • Reminder: there is no project team call next week

  • Send edited version of protocol paper to SC – Nikki

  • Look into getting an ECHO RA for the moderator role – Sanjeev

  • Include the core competencies within the training orientation – Sarah

  • Chelsi:

  • Build pre-EHCO survey

  • Prepare all documents for first ECHO session

  • Team Slaight staff ZOOM, to take over the IT role

  • To follow up with Waterloo-Wellington about September 21st meeting (include Dielle and Sarah)

  • Send Sanjeev the orientation phases



Protocol Paper:

  • Nikki had sent around the protocol paper for review, though unfortunately some did not receive it

  • Nikki will make the changes she did receive and then send it back to the SC so everyone can work on the most current copy


  • Sites will need to send in signed photo consent forms, bios, and sign up for more than one case presentation spot.

  • Pre-survey and monthly surveys to be built in REDCAP and then sent out.

  • CME newsletters have been recreated

  • Chelsi to prepare all documents for the first ECHO session

  • Maurey to be the moderator for the first ECHO session

  • Chelsi to teach Slaight staff ZOOM to act as the IT staff


  • Chelsi, Dayna, Sarah, and Dielle had a call with them this morning

  • Providing overview documentation

  • Dayna/PSSP to connect with them over implementation/fidelity

  • Informed them about needing youth/family members for the advisory committees

  • REB and contracts are approved by the same team

Readiness Survey

  • To follow up with Mary and Janet regarding the readiness survey

  • All research sites should complete the readiness survey

  • As for those sites who will not be a part of research, it would still be good for them to do the readiness survey – though it would not be a requirement per se. The readiness survey would act as a modifier for the variability of outcomes. The actual survey should not take long.

  • If they did complete it, it would be helpful for: Fidelity; As a baseline for the site; The implementation process – it would be sent out before implementation work really commenced to tailor the implementation to their specific site needs

  • Moving forward, it would be good if the SC members figured out what key components will non-research sites will need for the implementation of NAVIGATE


  • Would like to have someone from the research staff, PSSP staff (Al), Sarah, George, and a youth/family representative to meet with them September 21st

  • Purpose to provide a quick overview of the project and Navigate – the entirely of their staff will be there

Pre-Training Orientation

  • This would be for new staff who will be taking on a NAVIGATE role

  • All orientation ‘checklists’ should follow the same format and have: A timeline of when to complete; A purpose/what key components they should be looking at when read material

  • First, all staff should get an overview:

  1. What is NAVIGATE

  2. What you need to know about EPI-SET and the NAVIGATE Model

  3. Team Guide

  4. Videos: Jan Kane’s Overview of NAVIGATE and ‘Sometimes I’m schizoaffective; all of the time I’m human’

  5. Introduction slide decks

  • Second, all staff should be oriented to their NAV role

  1. Manuals – as a reference (module 1 can be included as well for IRT)

  2. Any role orientation – first 35 pages of manual

  3. Specific videos on the model delivery

  • Third, all staff should be attended calls:

  1. ECHO Calls

  2. Post-training calls with NAV trainers

  • Fourth, library resources for those who are interested (supplementary)

  1. EPI-SET website

  2. Any additional NAV role resources (tips and tricks sheets, toolkits, articles, etc.)

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