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Family Advisory Committee: January 21, 2019

Attendees: Lillian Duda, Hugh Johnston, Nicole Dupuis, Sophie Soklaridis, Karleigh Darnay, Dielle Miranda, Chelsi Major

Agenda Items:

1. Introduction (10min) - Karleigh

a. Names and pronouns

b. Welcome to all members

2. Meeting overview - Karleigh

a. For our meeting today we have Lillian Duda, leading our meeting. (10mins)

First Lillian will give a quick presentation about her role in EPI-SET and give a background on the project and why it’s important.

b. Team members introductions (10mins)

c. About EPI-SET family advisory: a bit about the project (10min) – Dielle and Sophie

On our team, we’re a group of family members who have a loved one who has experienced psychosis and has received early intervention. We meet once a month, on the xxx week of each month to provide feedback and help us understand youth priorities, needs and expectations; refine our research tools .g. study consent form, survey or interview guide; provide insight on study findings; and eventually participate in sharing these findings with others.

Does anyone have any questions?

3. Review group norms – Karleigh (10mins)

a. Before starting meeting, want to review group norms

b. If anyone wants to talk at break or after the meeting about any new additions let us know.

c. Just as a reminder as a group we always want to be respecting confidentiality of everyone in these meetings, and for people to participate as much or as little as they’re comfortable with. We can share ideas out loud, or write them down. We also know that these can sometimes be hard topics to talk about, so if at any point you want to step out of the room, we have a chill space next door. Just use thumbs up/down.

4. Strategies for engagement at other sites & Review and feedback of the recruitment flyers

  • Review the recruitment flyers? Any recommendations?

  • When you give a flyer – there won’t be much uptake à it’s better when you have someone in mind and pull someone aside to give more context to it

  • Outreach by the clinician (social worker, case worker, etc.)

  • What does a functional member look like … they need to be positive and open their views

  • Reach out to EPI program through the province to see who will want to participate

  • Harriott Eastman (one of the family counsellors here)

  • Discussing with Dielle… about going to the sites and communicating about the role - The family member would be down to go there and speak towards that

  • EPION provincial body – potentially a newsletter going out (every Friday – maybe sending it out that way)

  • In-Person training -- Hugh maybe – attending the sessions or speak to the directors (Lillian will need to know in advance to move her schedule to talk to the directors in person)

  • FLYER - Does not like the picture of just the bodies – makes it feel like you are just like another faceless number within the system - Something that is engaging for the picture - Content -- What is in the grey and red is good - The call to action is week -- “we want you as a new recruit” sort of thing

5. Review and finalize terms of reference document

6. Discussion regarding reimbursement process/options: timing for each option (cash/gift card/cheque)

7. Google Drive Folder to log individual hours and payment receipt

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