Attendance: Brooke Magel, Carol Maxwell, Diana Urajnik, Dielle Miranda, Kerri Nagy, Mark, Michael Weyman, Rakshi Kathuria, Shreya Mahajan, Tallan, Augustina, Josette, Lauren Caruana, John Riley, Janet Durbin, Sandy Brooks, Aristotle Voineskos, Melanie Barwick, Lauren DeFreitas, Sheeba Narrikuzhy, Vic, George Foussias, Lillian Duda, Nikki Kozloff, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Sarah Bromley, Emily Panzarella
A huge congratulations to Anne-Marie, who will be retiring at the end of April after 37 years!
Send name and contact information for new psychiatrist to Aristotle and Michael – Anne-Marie
Update and distribute study table – Emily
Reach out to Lillian to discuss formalized process for prospective advisors looking to join – Augustina
Set up a meeting with Lillian to discuss feedback from Connie regarding on-boarding process – Dielle
Site Lead Updates
One clinician was redeployed
Most clinic sessions are being done virtually, with a few in-person sessions permitted if critical
Referrals have been a bit slower recently, but are improving slowly
Lots of new staff are being on-boarded
There are a lot of unwell clients – trying to be more diligent with intake processes
In-person sessions are still happening, no change with appointment structure
North Bay
Most appointments are being done virtually at the moment unless they require injections or are new clients
Noticing that some clients are discouraged from continuing with the program
A main focus right now is helping clients find housing
2 staff have been redeployed to acute care services at the hospital, which may last for up to 12 weeks (start date was January 10th, which means redeployment could last until the first week of April)
Irma is managing caseloads at the moment and only providing case management
Working to identify which clients require weekly, biweekly, and monthly visits
A new psychiatrist has joined and met the team this past Monday
Thunder Bay
Omicron has not lead to any redeployment, but several staff have needed to take time off for isolation due to exposure
Intakes were slowed for a few weeks but will be picking up this month
Started virtual family group series
The FAC have been committed to participating and joined at the first session to speak about their experiences
Implementation – PSSP
Site leads are collaborating to overcome on-boarding and processing challenges
In terms of fidelity assessments, we are waiting for further direction from PSSP to arrange site visits and proceed with chart reviews
Right now, sites are stretched and we do not want to further burden them
Sandy: Will be in touch with the sites to see when would be a good time to visit
Still projecting to have these visits done in the first fiscal
Sudbury and Waterloo-Wellington will be priority sites, as they have not had their 2nd fidelity review yet and are at the 20-month window
Readiness survey is good to go
The consent process has changed slightly, and PSSP will be in touch with site leads to explain the new process before sending them around
ECHO Update
General ECHO
Next session: February 4th, 2022
Case Presentation: Niagara
Didactic: Developmental Delays and Psychosis
Sudbury is unable to present on March 4th – If any other sites are able to trade their case presentation date, please reach out to Rakshi or Nitha
Prescriber ECHO
Next session: March 24th, 2022
Topic: Complex Cases with Dr. Alexandra Douglas
16/18 have consented; 15/18 have completed interviews (Sudbury is outstanding and will be completed when staff is less stretched)
Coding process has started for the current interview data
Family & Youth QI
Sophie will be away until February 14th
Shreya and Brooke have compiled feedback from FAC and YAC on respective interview guides and will be meeting with Sophie upon return to discuss
Research team is still gathering interest from participants (goal – 2 from each site)
So far, 11/12 clients have expressed interest and 8/12 family members have expressed interest
Patient Measures
Referrals and Baselines
754 admissions
159 – Durham; 218 – Niagara; 34 – North Bay; 30 – Sudbury; 248 – Waterloo; 65 – Thunder Bay
260 approached
54 – Durham, 59 – Niagara, 46 – North bay, 28 – Sudbury, 40 – Waterloo, 33 – Thunder Bay
160 referred, 70/78 enrolled (7 dropped out, 1 was withdrawn)
2 are scheduled and 6 are being contacted
100 declined
70 – Not interested
4 – Inconvenience/ time constraint
4 – Privacy concern
2 – Not comfortable speaking about mental health experiences
9 – Want more time to think about it
11 - Unspecified
27 re-approached and 14/27 agreed to be referred after re-approach
6-month: 51 completed, 0 scheduled, 0 more projected for February
12-month: 28 completed, 2 scheduled, 3 more projected for February
18-month: 11 completed, 0 scheduled, 4 more projected for February
24-month: 2 completed, 0 scheduled, 0 more projected for February
6 Month Overview

1 referral from Waterloo received this month who is not yet eligible to participate
Recruitment and Service Delivery
It is not a requirement to be receiving NAVIGATE in order to be admitted into EPI services, although the expectation is that every client at the sites is receiving NAVIGATE
There is not guarantee as to what extent clients are receiving this model of care
Fidelity assessments and chart reviews are done on a random sample of clients, which will help reveal the extent to which clients are receiving NAVIGATE
Advisory Committees
Claudia has joined the FAC! She will be able to engage with the project from a sibling perspective.
FAC is coordinating attending site meetings to clinics that are interested
We have a new family member from Niagara interested in joining the group
Happy to have this person join – need to set up a meeting to learn a bit more about where this family member is at with regards to their loved ones’ treatment, as well as if they can commit time to the project
The YAC has a formal process for having new members join (i.e. interviews are conducted to see if the individual would be a good fit) – Augustina can touch base with Lillian to discuss this
Dielle and Connie have been in touch to discuss on-boarding processes to ensure it is correct
Next meeting: February 10th, 2022
Aristotle will be attending
Last meeting was quite busy
Discussed and provided feedback for Sophie’s QI guide
Met with Fabienne from TOOR to discuss digitizing patient modules and provided suggestions
Advisors are working on their videos – hoping to have one completed by end of February and another completed by end of March/April
Next meeting: February 25th, 2022